7th Solar Energy Forum

7th Solar Energy Forum

The event is offered to the students of the Online Master in Solar Energy Engineering during the Campus Phase in Freiburg.

7th Solar Energy Forum

The event is offered to the students of the Online Master in Solar Energy Engineering during the Campus Phase in Freiburg.

SEE Team

October 9, 2019

The 7th Solar Energy Forum: Innovations that cut cost in photovoltaics is presented by Dr. Holger Neuhaus, the Head of Department Module Technology at the Fraunhofer ISE.

We are very delighted with the way this forum took place. The event was also open to the members of the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Freiburg, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, and beyond. All the talks and presentations raised our expectations; they were highly relevant and well presented. Special thanks to our speakers, science market start-ups, online and in-person attendees. Thank you for making this such a successful event!


Photovoltaics has shown a dramatic growth and cost reduction over the last decades reaching an annual installation of 100 GW and 20 c€ per Watt today. Being the cheapest energy source, solar electricity generation has a central role in most energy transformation scenarios. Key innovations that enabled this success are presented in this talk. We will take a glance into a photovoltaic fabrication facility from the year 2000 and from today to underline significant improvements; and we will look into the future to predict what is next. Since photovoltaics are getting cheaper compared to many other resources, they become more and more attractive to integrate into existing structures to inconspicuously produce electricity, in addition to their original function. We will present innovative material systems that are expected to surround us in the future.

Holger Neuhaus holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales in Sydney working on advanced material characterization. He started his industrial career as development engineer at Pacific Solar Pty Ltd in Sydney. He worked more than 15 years for Solar world AG in Freiberg/Saxony, initially responsible for quality assurance and technology in cell production, later heading the global R&D activities along the entire value chain transferring technology from lab to fab in Germany and the US. In 2018, he joined Fraunhofer ISE, to be in charge of module technology.

The Program

When: Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Schedule: 17:00 Arrival in the Foyer of building 101

                 17:30 Welcoming address by Philipp Bucher              

                 17:35 Poster Pitch from SEE students                      

                  17:45 Talk by Dr. Holger Neuhaus                               

                  18:20 Question and Answer (Q&A) round                   

                  18:45 Special Guest: Young ISES (short presentation)

                  19:00 Open end with a buffet and room for further discussions & Science Market


Faculty of Engineering Building 101, Room 00 026, µ-Saal, Georges Köhler-Allee 101 79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (map)

Special Guest:

Young ISES is the largest international solar organization, with extensive membership worldwide. ISES has members in more than 110 countries, and Global contacts and partners in over 50 countries with thousands of associate members, and almost 100 company and institutional members throughout the world. Young ISES, a network of students and young professional ISES members, is now connecting young solar professionals worldwide.

Science Market:

Renewable energy has always been important in the region of Freiburg. We have invited several regional start-ups and facilitators to present their work. SolarSpringGmbH, FWTM/Green City, ISES/Young ISES, WeTell, Kites warms and NexWafeGmbH will be present in the lobby after the main talk.

We invite you to explore the exhibition and join us for some drinks and snacks, right after the main talk.
